
Friday, February 16, 2018

February 16, 2018

The Best Mean Girl Characters in Film & TV

What would a teenage/young adult television show or movie be without a mean girl? We need the villain in order to highlight the hero. Cady Heron is nothing without Regina George in Mean Girls. Sure, we hate the mean girl, but we also worship her in that love-to-hate sort of way. Here are the 10 best mean girls in movies and TV.
Regina George, "Mean Girls"

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 14, 2018

9 comics about people who take Valentine's Day too seriously

Valentine's Day is a universal holiday: you can celebrate that you are free and do not have to think out what nonsense to give the second half this time. Or rejoice that you have a person with whom you eat in the evenings and watch TV shows.

Here are comic books for you that love is in the air, especially love for yourself. 

Lovers see this day in different ways.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 13, 2018

The 10 Smartest Anime Characters of All Time

In anime, physical power isn't always everything. Very often brains will win over brawn, and because of that, we're ranking the smartest anime characters of all time.

 From master strategists like Shikamaru (Naruto) who plan one hundred steps away, to analytical geniuses like Death Note's L who can predict his opponents moves before he even makes them, these anime characters are much smarter than the average human.


Monday, February 12, 2018

February 12, 2018

The Most 10 Rewatchable Movies

There are some movies that I always stop at and watch if I see them on TV or I can put in the DVD player and watch when I'm board and never get tired of. I'm sure you have the same movies. They may be your favorite movie or they're just that good. I'll start and you add to the list. What movies - theatrical releases, made for TV, direct to video, holiday special, whatever - have the highest rewatch value for you?

Forrest Gump

Sunday, February 11, 2018

February 11, 2018

7 Facts That Will Ruin Your Favorite Childhood Films

This list of insider facts and shocking behind-the-scenes stories from your favorite childhood movies will ruin many innocent childhood memories forever. There are a lot of things that can ruin a movie that younger-you loved. Sometimes it’s learning something weird about a cast member. Sometimes it’s bad science. Or sometimes, it’s finding out that maybe a ton of cats might have died filming Milo and Otis.
Whatever the reason, nothing kicks nostalgia in its warm fuzzy nuts like FACTS. Facts stick to your favorite childhood stuff like scented scratch 'n' sniff stickers. The true facts on this list will leave your favorite childhood films in question, and you'll never be able to enjoy them in the same way again.
From Finding Nemo, to classics like The Wizard of Oz, what are the true stories behind some of your favorite kids movies? Read through the list below to have these movies ruined for you. I mean if you didn't come here to have your entire your Disney childhood ruined, then I have no idea why you clicked on this to begin with. We all knew that Simba and Nala having sex was a weird moment for all of us and we all knew that the Nemo thing was also pretty messed up. But here we are. Let's rip this band-aid off.

Timon/Pumbaa Watched Nala/Simba Have Sex... While Singing About It

Saturday, February 10, 2018

February 10, 2018

The Best 10 Anime Series of All Time

You love anime but what tops this list of the best anime series ever made? Top anime series include shows like Death NoteAttack on Titan, and so much more. Plus, with so much new anime debuting each year, the list of best anime will only grow. The blanket term "anime" in the US can refer to any animation originating in Japan, and specifically differentiates a few aspects of Japanese animation from more Western styles. For example, the top comedy anime series can be be much more explicit in their humor. This includes the Japanese propensity to feature adult themes and stories in animation, as opposed to Western "cartoons" aimed primarily at children, as well as the exaggerated, fantasy-oriented and colorful style of Japanese animated visuals.
Anime TV series first found popularity outside of Japan in the 1980s and have continued to find larger and larger audiences in the West. A number of anime shows originating in Japan - such as Cowboy Bebop or Dragon Ball Z - have found enthusiastic audiences for dubbed versions in English speaking countries. (Pokemon, a series inspired by Nintendo's blockbuster series of video games, has been an ongoing hit franchise in both Japan and the US.) The anime style has grown so popular in the US, it has stared to significantly influence the style and aesthetics of American animation. Shows such as Avatar: The Last AirbenderAfro Samurai and Samurai Jack have borrowed heavily from anime in terms of pacing, subject matter, and design.
This list collects the best Japanese anime TV series of all time. American series that have been influenced by anime, such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, are not included. 

Death Note

Friday, February 9, 2018

February 09, 2018

The 13 Most Fascinating Unsolved Hollywood Murders

A list of unsolved Hollywood homicides and show business crimes, along with the stories, theories and mysteries behind them. Hollywood is a place of glamour (if you take classic movies as documentaries), and it can be a dangerous place if you're famous, partying too hard, becoming insanely depressed, or caught up with the "wrong" crowd.
People in LA with power and money tend to (sometimes appropriately) think that they're above the law, and often act accordingly.
And most times, the rich, famous, and well-known will do anything, even kill, to protect their reputations and careers. There have been many murders in Hollywood, most of which have been solved, but there are some famous Los Angeles crimes that remain complete mysteries, with an intriguing cast of suspects and multiple motives... but no answers. These are the thirteen most fascinating unsolved murders of actors, actresses, and celebrities.

Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood 1958 cropped.jpg