
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Here's what happens if you do not sleep for 7 days

American Randy Gardner set a record of maximum stay without sleep without using stimulants of any kind. The 18-year-old high school student was awake for 264.3 hours ( 11 days ).

Here is the consequences of such an experiment. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, symptoms in different people may appear sooner or later. We strongly advise against checking your capabilities.

Day 1

The first day without sleep will already be a serious test for the body. There will be a headache, a noise in the ears and thermoregulation will be broken (hands will be cold). A person becomes inattentive , distracted, memory is broken and learning ability is lost  .

Day 2

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On the second day there are significant changes in appearance: bruises appear under the eyes, eyes burst blood vessels, there is a slight tremor all over the body. The body temperature drops to 35.8 °, the sleepy feels a constant chill. The person begins to behave alienated , the number of words used is reduced by 5 times, there appears a lack of emotionality.

Day 3

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The third day without sleep will be the most serious test . Body movements slow down, everything will be very irritating, and crazy ideas will appear in the head. A person will want to eat more than usual (especially salty and fatty foods), which will lead to inflammation on the skin. And it will add a nervous tic.

Day 4

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Closer to the fourth sleepless day, small wrinkles on the face will become apparent, and the skin will become a pale shade. It is at this time there will be auditory and visual hallucinations , a person will get lost in time and space.

Day 5

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On the fifth day the eyelids will become incredibly heavy and a strong eye and headache will appear. Hallucinations will become permanent, hyperactivity will be replaced by an impossible fatigue . A person will cease to be capable of self-identification.

Day 6

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Almost a week without sleep will turn into fear, paranoia and outbursts of aggression. The work of the main parts of the brain will slow down , the muscles will start to "seize" (for example, if a person raises his hand, he will cease to understand that he can omit it). Symptoms will resemble Alzheimer's . Speech will become even slower.

Day 7

A week without sleep will lead to a strong tremor of limbs and the absence of coherent speech. At this stage, a person can no longer perform elementary tasks . The neurons of the brain will become inactive, the heart muscle will be worn out by this time , and the  immunity will stop resisting the viruses.

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