
Friday, January 12, 2018

10 crazy theories about the Harry Potter universe that make you look at your favorite heroes in a new way

While the whole world is waiting for the premiere of the second part of "Fantastic Beasts", we decided to recall the beloved story of the "boy who lived". Over the years, interest has not weakened the books and films about Harry Potter. The fans are building different theories, trying to see something more behind the actions of the characters and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Some of the assumptions are truly breathtaking, exposing the events in a completely new light.

We present to your attention the top 10 most insane theories about Harry Potter.

10. The great game of Professor Dumbledore

This theory is that throughout the entire history, Professor Dumbledore has been conducting some complicated, thought-out game for many moves ahead. The goal of the game is to win the war with Voldemort, where the key role belongs to Harry Potter. However, Harry is introduced into the game as a child, and to properly prepare him for the final battle, Dumbledore goes to different tricks. A lot of details are confirmed by the fact that all the tests were prepared by Dumbledore specifically for Harry. For example, already at the very beginning one can pay attention to the fact that such a dangerous artifact as a philosopher's stone is protected by trials that a freshman can overcome.
The omniscient professor, although he remains behind the scenes, but influences from there all the events and many characters. He as a great manipulator leads his complex game of chess, the figures of which later gradually get out of control.

9. Harry, Snape and Voldemort are brothers from the fairy tale "Deathly Hallows"

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The famous Bard Beadle wrote a fairy tale "The Deathly Hallows", which tells of the three brothers Peverell. A fairy tale appears in history next to tell about three gifts - the Elder wand, the Resurrecting Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. But you can also note that there is a parallel between the characters. Voldemort aspires to get an elderly wand and have unlimited power, which makes him look like an older brother from a fairy tale. The average brother is Severus Snape, because he is obsessed with his lost love Lily Potter. The younger brother is Harry. He received the Invisibility Cloak, is ready and not afraid to meet with Death.
But there is also a fourth character in this story that ties everyone together, it's Dumbledore. From which it follows that ...

8. Dumbledore is Death

Dumbledore was the only one who owned all the Gifts before Harry got them. It was he who gave Harry the Invisibility Mantle, then the Resurrecting Stone. And Dumbledore's Elder wand was lost only in a duel with Draco Malfoy. Even indirectly, but he is involved in the death of Voldemort and Snape. And when Harry "dies", he is met by Dumbledore as an "old friend." Quite symbolic.

7. Harry had a bad influence on the Dursleys

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The Dursleys experienced an inexplicably strong dislike for Harry. It is obvious that the child suddenly thrown on the threshold was a burden to them. And yet it is difficult to justify their categorical behavior. Fans assume that the whole point is that Harry was horcrux. And his presence had a negative impact on his family. When Ron, Hermione and Harry took turns in the neck of the Slytherin medallion, they became wicked and suspicious, and could hardly control their emotions. So in this case, we can assume that the particle of the soul of the Dark Lord inside the young wizard could have a bad effect on the Dursleys in 10 years of life under one roof. However, in this case it is not clear why the Horcrux inside Harry did not affect Ron, Hermione and other wizards from his entourage. 

6. Neville is a real "boy who survived"

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Neville Longbottom is born at the end of the 7th month, his parents have repeatedly challenged Voldemort, he is also a Gryffindor. To him, as to Harry, the prophecy of Trelawney is appropriate. Unlike Harry, Neville had a gift - he was perfectly versed in herbology. In addition, at the end it was Neville who destroyed the serpent, faithful to the companion of the Dark Lord and his chief horcrux.
This topic was raised and most Rowling. But the fans went further, suggesting that the Order of the Phoenix knew from the very beginning about the purpose of Neville and, for the sake of salvation, specifically changed it to places with Harry, who turned up successfully. So it is or not, but the Dark Lord appeared in the house of the Potters, which gave rise to the story.

5. Harry is afraid of the Dementors for a reason

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Harry is afraid of the Dementors more than others, they act on him more than others. It is likely that the Dementors prefer him more than others, because Harry is Horcrux. This means that he has a particle of Voldemort's soul inside, therefore he has 1,125 souls, which makes him "tastier" for the Dementors.

4. Neville was not a bad wizard, he just used the wrong wand

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In the first years of his studies at Hogwarts Neville could not cope even with the simplest spells. And although his parents were powerful wizards, Neville considered himself almost a squib. Later, Neville did prove himself: he led the Dumbledore Order, successfully mastered the defensive spell, stood up to the Death Eaters. Perhaps it was a natural process of growing up, but one can not ignore the fact that at the very beginning Neville used his father's wand. As you know, it is the wand that chooses the wizard. If you use someone else's wand, she will not serve the wizard properly. In a duel with the Death Eater, it was destroyed, and Neville finally went through the process of choosing a wand. This change allowed the young wizard to reveal his magical potential: his magical abilities improved noticeably, he furiously fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, He killed the snake Nagayna and eventually became a professor of travology. And the ever-dissatisfied grandmother was finally able to be proud of her grandson. 

3. Harry is immortal

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"One of them must perish at the hands of another, for no one can live peacefully while the other is alive." This is the prophesy of Sibylla Trelawney about the connection between Harry Potter and Voldemort. The main interpretation is that Harry is destined to kill an evil wizard or be killed by him, the third is not given. But there is another explanation of the prophecy offered by the fans of history. If one of them must die at the hands of another, then the survivor becomes immortal, since he can only be killed by the enemy, as stipulated in the Sibyl's prediction. Thus, Harry fulfilled the conditions of prophecy and, perhaps, gained immortality.

2. Snape is not really dead.

Severus Snape was a potions specialist and "double agent" for many years, so it is likely that he could have an antidote in case of exposure. In addition, his body was not found among the victims of the Battle of Hogwarts. And when Harry used the Resurrecting Stone, his ghost did not appear, unlike the ghosts of his parents, Sirius Black and Remus Lupine.
That's why the elder's wand does not obey Voldemort - he did not manage to kill Snape. And not because the wand first moved to Draco Malfoy, because he disarmed Dumbledore first.
Perhaps Severus, having fulfilled his duty to Dumbledore and Lily's beloved, decided to start a new life in a new place.

1. Harry invented everything

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What if these amazing events never happened? What if Harry Potter is an ordinary boy, perhaps a schizophrenic who lived in a closet under the stairs, and the whole story was only in his head? It was his way of getting away from the sad reality in which his brother, aunt and uncle scoffed at him every day.

Which theory do you prefer? Share with us in the comments.

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