
Saturday, December 2, 2017

7 things that Nasa really does not want to tell

NASA  is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Refers to the US federal government. It is believed that all his video materials are immediately published and do not change in any way. But is it? Perhaps, for our own good, something is hidden from us? 

1. Interruption of broadcasts. Why?

There were recorded cases when NASA removed the live broadcast at the moment when a strange object appeared on the screen. Officially, NASA explains this by saying that the signal is lost, but conspiracy theorists see this as deliberate concealment of information. What it was - a strange coincidence or a really intentional shutdown of the broadcast, - no one knows for sure.

2. Accidentally deleted records of landing on the moon

Unfortunately, the most realistic records of the first steps of mankind on the Moon in 1969 were lost in NASA archives. However, they quickly found a way out by contacting the masters from Hollywood - the company Lowry Digital, previously restoring film films. The specialists reconstructed footage from copies of videotapes (they were given to the television companies in 1969), and now on the official site of NASA you can see the historical shots of landing on the moon, even in better quality than they were originally made. But, of course, historians say that losing the original was a crime. We can not disagree with them.

3. Operation "Paper clip"

Operation Clip is a program of the US Strategic Services Department for the recruitment of scientists from the Third Reich to work in the United States of America after the Second World War. This led to the  creation of NASA (it turns out that the space agency was created by forgiven Nazi scientists). Wow! Basically, these scientists were engaged in the creation of rockets. And, by the way, the information about the "Clip" is still mostly classified.

4. NASA hides the remnants of anthropogenic civilization?

This version was put forth by the professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Alexander Nikolayevich Portnov. On November 26, 2011, NASA launched the Curiosity rover . The mission successfully took place, and the rover sent scientists a lot of photographs, among which were very mysterious, but scientists quite heavily filter information coming into open access. According to Portnov, Curiosity was supposed to transmit a lot more photos than it is known now (thanks to scientific equipment of the highest level), and since the information is either not available or immediately removed from open access, it means that there is something to hide.

5. On the moon can be aliens?

The Lunar Orbital Sounder (LRO), launched in 2009, sent very interesting pictures to Earth, which the supporters of the conspiracy theory immediately called a proof of life on the Moon. Conspirologists from SecureTeam10 drew attention to the formation of a circular shape on the surface of the Moon, which, of course, can be a base for aliens. But, most likely, these are ordinary formations of natural origin.

6. UFO near the Sun?

On the  official website of NASA and the European Space Agency, which publishes images of the Sun in real time, the blogger spotted a strange object near the star and posted his observations on YouTube. Once he did, the object disappeared from the official site of NASA. Why? Unfortunately, no explanation was given.

7. Why did the American X-37B fly into space without any explanation from NASA?

What kind of secret military program, according to which the mini-shuttle X-37B was in space without any intelligible explanations? There were many conjectures, but there was almost no confirmative information. Officially, the X-37B was testing an ionic engine (and this is a sensation, it was previously believed that an ionic engine on the Hall effect can not work at all). The oddity is that the plane is not mentioned as a testing ground in NASA's reports. The project was classified when it was handed over to the Agency for Advanced Defense Studies and the US Air Force.

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